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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 134-140, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515471


Introducción: La parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción es la segunda causa de estridor congénito y genera una grave obstrucción de la vía aérea, debutando con estridor. La traqueotomía ha sido durante mucho tiempo el gold estándar para el tratamiento de esta afección, no exenta de complicaciones. Existen procedimientos que intentan evitar la traqueotomía, como el split cricoideo anterior posterior endoscópico (SCAPE). Objetivo: Presentar experiencia con SCAPE en pacientes pediátricos como tratamiento alternativo de parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción. Material y Método: Análisis retrospectivo de los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos en pacientes con parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción tratados con SCAPE entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2019 en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente de Concepción, Chile. Resultados: Siete pacientes se sometieron a SCAPE. Todos los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia respiratoria severa, cinco requirieron asistencia ventilatoria mecánica. Seis pacientes tenían el diagnóstico de parálisis cordal bilateral (PCB) congénita y uno PCB secundaria a tumor de tronco cerebral. Cuatro pacientes presentaron comorbilidad de la vía aérea: dos pacientes presentaron estenosis subglótica grado I y dos pacientes presentaron laringomalacia que requirió manejo quirúrgico. Los días promedio de intubación fueron once días. Ningún paciente requirió soporte ventilatorio postoperatorio, sólo un paciente recibió oxigenoterapia nocturna debido a hipoventilación secundaria a lesión de tronco. Ningún paciente ha presentado descompensación respiratoria grave. Un 40% ha recuperado movilidad cordal bilateral. Conclusión: Split cricoideo anteroposterior endoscópico es una alternativa eficaz para tratar el PCB en pacientes pediátricos. Nuestro estudio evidencia que es una alternativa a la traqueotomía, con excelentes resultados y menor morbimortalidad.

Introduction: Bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction is the second cause of congenital stridor and generates a serious obstruction of the airway. Tracheostomy has long been the gold standard for the treatment of this condition, but it has inherent complications. There are procedures that try to avoid tracheotomy, such as the endoscopic anterior posterior cricoid split (EAPCS). Aim: Present our experience with EAPCS in pediatric patients as a treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction. Material and Method: Retrospective analysis of the surgical results obtained in patients with bilateral vocal cord paralysis in adduction treated with EAPCS between January 2016 and December 2019 at Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepción, Chile. Results: Seven patients underwent EAPCS. All patients had severe respiratory failure, five required mechanical ventilation assistance. Six patients were diagnosed with congenital bilateral cord palsy (BCP) and one BCP secondary to a brainstem tumor. Four patients had airway comorbidity: two patients had grade I subglottic stenosis and two patients had laryngomalacia that required surgical management. The average days of intubation were eleven days. No patient required post op invasive/non-invasive ventilation, only one patient received nocturnal oxygen therapy due to hypoventilation secondary to trunk injury. None of the patients has presented severe respiratory decompensation. Forty percent have recovered bilateral chordal mobility. Conclusion: SCAPE is a cutting-edge and effective alternative to treat PCB in pediatric patients. Our study shows that it is an alternative to tracheotomy, with excellent results and lower morbidity and mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , Stents , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(1): 88-91, feb. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388923


Resumen Introducción: Las lesiones autoinfligidas por armas de fuego con cañón largo en la zona cérvico-facial no siempre logran consumar el suicidio y pueden ocasionar una herida avulsiva de esta región anatómica. Objetivo: Socializar los beneficios del tratamiento multidisciplinario inmediato en la atención al paciente con traumatismo facial complejo. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 60 años de edad con intento autolítico por arma de fuego, con pérdida importante de tejido a nivel mandibular y compromiso de la vía aérea. Resultados: Las distintas etapas de accionar quirúrgico se lograron en las primeras cuatro horas desde que sucedió el incidente. El paciente no presentó complicaciones posoperatorias ni necesidad de una nueva operación. Discusión: En la actualidad existe la tendencia a realizar tratamiento definitivo en un solo tiempo quirúrgico inicial. Conclusión: La intervención inmediata y protocolizada de las especialidades cirugía general, maxilofacial y cirugía plástica-reconstructiva en pacientes con heridas avulsivas de la región cérvico facial pueden lograr un tratamiento definitivo en un único tiempo quirúrgico y con resultados favorables.

Introduction: Self-inflicted injuries by long-barreled firearms in the cervico-facial area do not always succeed in consummating suicide and may result in an avulsive injury of this anatomical region. Aim: Socializing the benefits of the immediate multidisciplinary treatment in the medical care of patients with complex facial trauma. Clinical case: A 60-year-old male patient with an autolytic attempt by firearm, with loss of tissue at the mandibular level, as well as airway compromise. Results: The different stages of the surgical action were achieved during the first four hours since the incident occurred. The patient was discharged without the need for a new surgical procedure. Discussion: Currently there is e tendency to perform definitive treatment in a single initial surgical procedure. Conclusión: The immediate and protocolized intervention of specialties such as General Surgery, Maxillofacial and Plastic-Reconstructive Surgery in patients with avulsive wounds of the cervical-facial region can achieve a definitive treatment in a single surgical time and with favorable results.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Wounds, Gunshot , Mandible/surgery , Tracheostomy/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery
Audiol., Commun. res ; 25: e2292, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131793


RESUMO Objetivo investigar o possível impacto da angulação do osso hioide na segurança da deglutição de pacientes submetidos à laringectomia supracricóidea. Métodos série de casos de 13 adultos, entre 48 e 79 anos, majoritariamente homens (n=11), submetidos à laringectomia supracricóidea em pós-operatório inferior ou igual a dez meses. Realizaram videofluoroscopia da deglutição de 5 ml de líquido fino, 5 ml de alimento pastoso e sólido, em livre oferta. A medida do ângulo do osso hioide foi definida por duas linhas: uma tangente à margem superior do corpo do osso hioide e uma tangente ao ponto mais inferior de sua margem inferior, paralela ao plano horizontal da imagem. O desfecho de aspiração durante o exame seguiu a escala desenvolvida por Rosenbek et al. (1996). Resultados Dos 13 pacientes, 5 apresentaram aspiração silente e 8 não apresentaram aspiração. Dos 5 indivíduos com aspiração, apenas 1 manteve preservadas ambas as cartilagens aritenoides em sua reconstrução e a angulação do osso hioide foi abaixo de 60º, em todos os casos. Dos 8 indivíduos sem aspiração laringotraqueal, a maioria (n=5) apresentava as duas cartilagens aritenoides em sua reconstrução e a angulação do osso hioide foi acima de 60º, em todos os casos. Conclusão uma angulação maior que 60º do osso hioide parece favorecer a proteção das vias aéreas inferiores e promover maior segurança do mecanismo de deglutição.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the possible impact of hyoid bone angulation on swallowing safety in patients undergoing supracricoid laryngectomy. Methods the case series comprised 13 adults, between 48 and 79 years-old, male in its majority (n=11), within ten months or less post-supracricoid laryngectomy and cricohyoidoepiglottopexy. All volunteers were submitted to videofluroscopy at rest and during swallowing of 5 ml of thin fluid, 5 ml of pureed consistency and dry solid food. Images were captured in lateral view. The hyoid angle was taken at rest and defined by two lines: a tangent to the upper margin of the body of the hyoid bone and a horizontal line, tangent to the lowest point of its lower margin. The aspiration was assessed using the scale developed by Rosenbek et al. (1996). Results five cases had silent aspiration and eight had no aspiration. In the group with silent aspiration, only one individual had both arytenoid cartilages preserved, while all individuals had the hyoid bone angle below 60º. In the group without aspiration, five individuals had both cricoarytenoids preserved, while all cases had the average hyoid bone angle above 60º. Conclusion the hyoid bone being at an angle greater than 60º seemed to increase the protection of the lower airways, promoting a safer swallowing mechanism.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Hyoid Bone/physiopathology , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Laryngectomy/rehabilitation , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Epiglottis/surgery
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 47: e20202522, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136568


ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the acquisition and retention of knowledge about surgical cricothyroidostomy by the rapid four-step technique (RFST), when taught by expository lecture, low fidelity and high-fidelity simulation models. Methods: ninety medical students at UFPR in the first years of training were randomized assigned into 3 groups, submitted to different teaching methods: 1) expository lectures, 2) low-fidelity simulator model, developed by the research team or 3) high-fidelity simulator model (commercial). The procedure chosen was surgical cricothyroidostomy using the RFST. Soon after lectures, the groups were submitted to a multiple-choice test with 20 questions (P1). Four months later, they underwent another test (P2) with similar content. Analysis of Variance was used to compare the grades of each group in P1 with their grades in P2, and the grades of the 3 groups 2 by 2 in P1 and P2. A multiple comparisons test (post-hoc) was used to check differences within each factor (test and group). Statistical significance was considered when p<0.05. Statistical analysis was performed in the statistical software R version 3.6.1. Results: each group was composed of 30 medical students, without demographic differences between them. The mean scores of the groups of the expositive lecture, of the simulator of low fidelity model and of high-fidelity simulator model in P1 were, respectively, 75.00, 76.09, and 68.79, (p<0.05). In P2 the grades were 69.84, 75.32, 69.46, respectively, (p>0.05). Conclusions: the simulation of low fidelity model was more effective in learning and knowledge retention, being feasible for RFST cricothyroidostomy training in inexperienced students.

RESUMO Objetivo: comparar a aquisição e retenção de conhecimento, sobre cricotireoidostomia cirúrgica pela técnica rápida de quatro tempos (TRQT), quando ensinada por aula expositiva, simulação de baixa fidelidade e de alta fidelidade. Métodos: noventa alunos de medicina da UFPR dos primeiros anos foram randomizados em 3 grupos: 1) aula expositiva, 2) simulador de baixa fidelidade, ou 3) simulador de alta fidelidade (comercial). O tema exposto foi a cricotireoidostomia cirúrgica pela técnica rápida de quatro tempos (TRQT). Logo após as aulas, os grupos foram submetidos a uma prova de múltipla escolha com 20 questões (P1). Quatro meses após, realizaram uma outra prova (P2), com conteúdo similar. Análise de Variância foi usada para comparar as notas de cada grupo na P1 com suas notas na P2, e as notas dos 3 grupos de 2 a 2 na P1 e na P2. Utilizou-se um teste de comparações múltiplas (post-hoc) para verificar diferenças dentro de cada fator (prova e grupo). Considerou-se significância estatística quando p<0,05. A análise estatística foi feita no software estatístico R versão 3.6.1. Resultados: cada grupo foi composto de 30 estudantes de medicina, sem diferenças demográficas entre os grupos. As notas médias dos grupos da aula expositiva, do modelo de baixa fidelidade e de alta fidelidade na P1 foram, respectivamente, 75,00, 76,09, e 68,79, (p<0,05). Na P2 as notas foram respectivamente 69,84, 75,32, 69,46, (p>0,05). Conclusão: a simulação de baixa fidelidade foi mais eficaz no aprendizado e na retenção de conhecimento, sendo viável para o treinamento de cricotireoidostomia TRQT em alunos inexperientes.

Humans , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Educational Measurement , Airway Management , Simulation Training/methods , Students, Medical , Prospective Studies , Clinical Competence , Learning
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(2): 213-220, jun. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014440


RESUMEN A pesar de los avances en cirugía de vía aérea, tanto abierta como endoscópica, la inmovilidad bilateral de cuerdas vocales continúa representando un desafio significativo para los cirujanos de vía aérea. Entre las alternativas quirúrgicas existen tanto abordajes endoscópicos como transcervicales, no obstante, la mayoría de estas técnicas modifican estructuralmente regiones de la cuerda vocal y/o aritenoides de manera permanente. La traqueostomía ha sido el tratamiento de elección en niños con inmovilidad bilateral de cuerdas vocales severamente sintomática, sin embargo, el procedimiento ideal debiese establecer una vía aérea adecuada evitando la necesidad de realizar una traqueostomía, y a la vez no generar un deterioro de la función fonatoria. La capacidad de expandir el aspecto glótico posterior sin modificación estructural de aritenoides y/o ligamento vocal ha convertido a la sección cricoidea posterior endoscópica con injerto de cartílago costal en una alternativa quirúrgica atractiva para estos casos. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de la literatura y presenta un caso tratado mediante esta técnica en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente de Concepción, Chile.

ABSTRACT Despite advances in both open and endoscopic airway surgery, bilateral vocal cord immobility still poses a significant challenge for airway surgeons. Among the surgical alternatives there are both endoscopic and transcervical approaches. However, most of these techniques structurally modify certain regions of the vocal cord and/or arytenoids permanently. Tracheostomy has been the treatment of choice in severely symptomatic children with bilateral immobility of vocal cords. Nevertheless, the ideal procedure should establish an adequate airway, avoiding the need to perform a tracheostomy, and at the same time not causing a deterioration of the phonatory function. The ability to expand the posterior glottis without structural modification of the arytenoids and/or vocal ligament has converted the posterior endoscopic cricoid split with costal cartilage graft into an attractive surgical alternative for these cases. In this article we review the literature and present a case treated by this technique in the Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepción, Chile.

Humans , Female , Child , Cartilage/transplantation , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Laryngostenosis/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , Ribs/transplantation , Tracheostomy , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Airway Obstruction/etiology , Lasers, Gas
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 85(3): 344-350, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011626


Abstract Introduction: Laryngeal cancer is the most common cancer of the upper respiratory tract. The main methods of treatment included surgery (partial laryngectomy and total laryngectomy) and radiation therapy. Laryngeal dysfunction is seen after both treatment modalities. Objective: The aim of the study is to compare postoperative functional results of the standard supracricoid partial laryngectomy technique and a modified supracricoid partial laryngectomy technique using the sternohyoid muscle. Methods: In total, 29 male patients (average years 58.20 ± 9.00 years; range 41-79 years) with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma who underwent supra cricoid partial laryngectomy were included. The patients were divided into two groups in terms of the surgical techniques. In Group A, all patients underwent standard supracricoid partial laryngectomy technique between January 2007 and November 2011. In Group B, all patients underwent modified supracricoid partial laryngectomy between August 2010 and November 2011. Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing test, short version of the voice handicap index scores, and the MD Anderson dysphagia inventory, the time of oral feeding and the decanulation of the patients after surgery of each groups were compared. Results: The mean maximum phonation time was 8.68 ± 4.21 s in Group A and 15.24 ± 6.16 s in Group B (p > 0.05). The S/Z (s/s) ratio was 1.23 ± 0.35 in Group A and 1.08 ± 0.26 in Group B (p > 0.05); the voice handicap index averages were 9.86 ± 4.77 in Group A and 12.42 ± 12.54 in Group B (p > 0.05); the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing test averages were calculated as 12.73 ± 3.08 in Group A and 13.64 ± 1.49 in Group B (p > 0.05). In the MD Anderson dysphagia inventory, evaluation of swallowing, the emotional, physical, and functional scores were 29.21 ± 4.11, 32.21 ± 6.85, and 20.14 ± 2.17 in the Group B, and 29.20 ± 2.54, 32.4 ± 4.79, and 19 ± 1.92 in Group A, respectively. Conclusion: Although there is no statistical difference in functional outcome comparisons, if rules are adhered to in preoperative patient selection, modified supracricoid partial laryngectomy can be applied safely and meaningful gains can be achieved in functional outcomes.

Resumo Introdução: O câncer laríngeo é o câncer mais comum do trato respiratório superior. Os principais métodos de tratamento incluem cirurgia (laringectomia parcial e laringectomia total) e radioterapia. A disfunção laríngea é observada em ambas as modalidades de tratamento. Objetivos: Comparar os resultados funcionais pós-operatórios da técnica de laringectomia padrão supracricoide e a técnica de laringectomia supracricoide modificada com o uso do músculo esterno-hióideo. Método: Foram incluídos 29 pacientes do sexo masculino (média de 58,20 ± 9,00 anos, intervalo de 41 a 79) com carcinoma espinocelular de laringe submetidos à laringectomia supracricoide parcial. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos em termos de técnicas cirúrgicas. Todos os pacientes do Grupo A foram submetidos à laringectomia padrão supracricoide entre janeiro de 2007 e novembro de 2011. No Grupo B, todos os pacientes foram submetidos à laringectomia supracricoide modificada entre agosto de 2010 e novembro de 2011. A avaliação endoscópica da deglutição por fibra ótica, os escores da versão curta do Voice Handicap Index e do MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory, o tempo de alimentação oral e a decanulação dos pacientes foram comparados após a cirurgia em cada grupo. Resultados: A média do tempo máximo de fonação foi de 8,68 ± 4,21 segundos no Grupo A e 15,24 ± 6,16 segundos no Grupo B (p > 0,05). A razão S/Z (seg/seg) foi de 1,23 ± 0,35 no Grupo A e 1,08 ± 0,26 no Grupo B (p > 0,05); as médias do Voice Handicap Index foram 9,86 ± 4,77 no Grupo A e 12,42 ± 12,54 no Grupo B (p > 0,05); as médias da avaliação endoscópica da deglutição por fibra ótica foram calculadas como 12,73 ± 3,08 no Grupo A e 13,64 ± 1,49 no Grupo B (p > 0,05). Na avaliação da deglutição pelo MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory, os escores emocional, físico e funcional foram 29,21 ± 4,11, 32,21 ± 6,85 e 20,14 ± 2,17 no Grupo B e 29,20 ± 2,54, 32,4 ± 4,79 e 19 ± 1,92 no Grupo A, respectivamente. Conclusão: Embora não haja diferença estatística nas comparações de resultados funcionais, se as regras forem respeitadas na seleção pré-operatória do paciente, a laringectomia supracricoide parcial modificada pode ser aplicada com segurança e ganhos significativos podem ser alcançados em termos de resultados funcionais.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Recovery of Function/physiology , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngectomy/methods , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/physiopathology , Laryngeal Neoplasms/physiopathology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Larynx/physiopathology
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 43(6): 493-499, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-842629


ABSTRACT Being a fast and safe method in the hands of well trained professionals in both prehospital and intrahospital care, Cricothyrotomy has been broadly recommended as the initial surgical airway in the scenario "can't intubate, can't ventilate", and is particularly useful when the obstruction level is above or at the glottis. Its prolonged permanence, however, is an endless source of controversy. In this review we evaluate the complications of cricothyrotomy and the need of its routine conversion to tracheotomy through a search on PubMed, LILACS and SciELO electronic databases with no restriction to the year or language of the publication. In total, we identified 791 references, retrieved 20 full text articles, and included nine studies in our review. The incidence of short-term complications ranged from zero to 31.6%, and the long-term complications, from zero to 7.86%. Subglotic stenosis was the main long-term reported complication, even though it was quite infrequent, occurring only in 2.9 to 5%. The frequency of conversion to tracheostomy varied from zero to 100%. Although a small frequency of long-term complications was found for emergency cricothyrotomy, the studies' low level of evidence does not allow the recommendation of routine use of cricothyrotomy as a secure definitive airway.

RESUMO A cricotireoidostomia, por ser um método rápido e, em geral, realizado com sucesso em ambientes pré e intra-hospitalares por profissionais treinados, tem sido amplamente preconizada como a via aérea cirúrgica inicial diante da situação "impossível intubar, impossível ventilar" e é especificamente útil quando a obstrução das vias aéreas ocorre na glote ou em nível supraglótico. Seu uso prolongado é, contudo, controverso. Nesta revisão procuramos avaliar as complicações da cricotireoidostomia de emergência, bem como, a necessidade rotineira de sua posterior conversão para traqueostomia através de pesquisa de estudos publicados sobre cricotireoidostomia de emergência nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS e SciELO, sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Assim foram identificados 791 estudos, dos quais 20 foram selecionados para leitura do texto integral, e, destes, nove foram incluídos nesta revisão. A taxa de complicações em curto prazo variou de zero a 31,6%, e a de complicações em longo prazo variou de zero a 7,86%. A estenose subglótica foi a principal complicação em longo prazo, relatada em 2,9 a 5% dos procedimentos. A taxa de conversão para traqueostomia variou de zero a 100%. Apesar da incidência reduzida de complicações em longo prazo o baixo nível de evidência dos estudos revisados não permite recomendar a cricotireoidostomia como uma via aérea definitiva segura.

Humans , Tracheotomy , Tracheostomy , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Intubation, Intratracheal , Emergency Medical Services
Saudi Medical Journal. 2013; 34 (3): 282-287
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-125982


To investigate the long-term outcomes of supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy [CHEP] and its modified version, in which we reserve the poster inferior borders of both thyroid cartilage laminas to protect swallowing function. This retrospective survival analysis was performed in 86 patients, wherein 46 undergoing CHEP and 40 undergoing modified CHEP. Their decannulation data were reviewed. We used swallowing quality-of-life questionnaire to measure the quality-of-life in 53 of the 65 survivals at the end of the follow-up period in 2011. Of the 53 patients, 24 underwent CHEP, while the remaining by modified CHEP. The log rank test showed no significant difference in survival distributions of 2 the groups [p=0.92]. The decannulation rate was 93.5% in CHEP and 100% in modified CHEP, showing no significant difference. The time span of decannulation in CHEP was 19.0 +/- 4.6 days, significantly longer than [14.0 +/- 2.3 days] the modified CHEP [p=0.000]. As to quality-of life data, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, revealed a significant multivariate main effect for groups [p=0.001], and significant univariate main effects in 5 scales out of 11 [p<0.05], which showed a better swallowing life quality in modified CHEP. There was no significant difference in survival rate between the 2 surgeries. The modified CHEP succeeded in earlier decannulation and better long-term swallowing life quality. Thus, modified CHEP is worth promoting, as long as indications were strictly conformed

Humans , Female , Male , Laryngectomy/mortality , Survival Rate , Laryngectomy/methods , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Hyoid Bone/surgery
Rev. chil. cir ; 61(4): 360-365, ago. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-535014


Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) is a rare myopathy that is characterized by ocular and pharyngeal muscle involvement. OPMD typically presents with ptosis, dysarthria, and dysphagia. It can also be associated with proximal and distal extremity weakness. We report two patients with the disease. A 79 years old female presenting with ptosis, dysphagia and a history of three aspiration pneumonias. The patient was subjected to a myotomy of the cricopharyngeal muscle of 4.5 cm of length. The patient had a symptomatic improvement and is in good conditions five months after the operation. A 75 years old male presenting with dysphagia and ptosis. He was operated, performing a myotomy of the cricopharyngeal muscle of 3.5 cm of length. Two and a half months after operation the patient is devoid of dysphagia.

La distrofia muscular oculofaríngea (DMOF) es una enfermedad de carácter hereditario, que cursa con disfagia, ptosis palpebral y debilidad proximal de las extremidades. Para su valoración la realización de manometría y estudio radiológico contrastado pueden ser de gran utilidad a pesar de que el diagnóstico de seguridad se obtiene por el estudio genético del gen PABPN1 del cromosoma 14. La enfermedad se desarrolla al sufrir este gen pequeñas expansiones en el triplete (GCG)7-13. Presentamos dos pacientes diagnosticados genéticamente de DMOF, uno de herencia autosómica dominante y otro de herencia autosómica recesiva, ambos tratados mediante miotomía del cricofaringeo debido a la intensidad de la disfagia. En ambos casos se obtuvo una mejoría clínica evidente después de la intervención.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Muscular Dystrophy, Oculopharyngeal/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Muscular Dystrophy, Oculopharyngeal/diagnosis , Muscular Dystrophy, Oculopharyngeal/genetics , Electromyography , Poly(A)-Binding Protein I/genetics
Cir. & cir ; 76(4): 333-337, jul.-ago. 2008. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-568077


OBJECTIVE: We undertook this study to report the possibility of salvage of vertical partial hemilaryngectomy with imbrication laryngoplasty (PVHLIL) to supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP) in a patient with recurrent glottic carcinoma. CLINICAL CASE: A 68-year-old patient with recurrent glottic squamous cell carcinoma (T1aN0) was treated with imbricated partial laryngectomy. Transoperative histopathological report demonstrated vocal cord free surgical margins anterior at 1 cm and 0.4 cm posterior. The patient was evaluated trimonthly and at 16-month follow-up presented with tumor activity on the posterior third of the left false vocal cord, close to the arytenoids, which still conserved mobility. Biopsy was performed and confirmed recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma. SCPL with CHEP was performed with a satisfactory postoperative evolution with tracheotomy decannulation at day 7. Physiological phonation and retirement of nasogastric tube were accomplished at day 15, as well as reinitiation of oral feeding. Histopathological report showed a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Functional evaluation with PVHLIL is a clear voice alteration; however, patients do not require permanent tracheostomy, and a close to normal biopsicosocial integration after SCPL + CHEP is possible. CONCLUSIONS: PVHLIL is an excellent treatment option for selected glottic tumors staged T1 or T2. Close follow-up must be given to allow the possibility of organ conservation either with radiotherapy or surgery. When recurrence occurs, SCPL + CHEP must be considered according to the established criteria for this procedure. Total laryngectomy must be considered as the last option, with the only purpose being a normal quality of life.

Humans , Male , Aged , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Laryngectomy/methods , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Arytenoid Cartilage/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Dysphonia/prevention & control , Epiglottis/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Glottis/surgery , Neck Dissection , Laryngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Quality of Life , Salvage Therapy/methods , Voice Quality
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; 73(2): 151-155, mar.-abr. 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-453351


OBJETIVOS: Identificar o grau e evolução da disfagia e disfonia nos indivíduos submetidos à laringectomia supracricóide e verificar a existência de associação destes aspectos com variáveis clínicas e cirúrgicas. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 22 casos submetidos a laringectomias supracricóides no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Heliópolis e encaminhados para fonoterapia. Os graus de disfagia e disfonia foram correlacionados com gênero, idade (menor ou igual a 50 anos, mais de 50 anos), estadiamento T (T1, T2, T3, T4), sítio da lesão (supraglote, glote, subglote), preservação de uma ou duas aritenóides, tipo de reconstrução (cricohioidopexia ou cricohioidoepiglotopexia), tempo de retirada da sonda nasoenteral e de fechamento da traqueostomia (em ambos: até um mês de pós-operatório ou mais de um mês). Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram Qui-Quadrado e/ou Teste Exato de Fischer. RESULTADOS: Observou-se associação do grau moderado de disfagia com a glote como sítio primário, com a cricohioidoepiglotopexia como tipo de reconstrução e com a retirada da sonda nasoenteral até um mês após a cirurgia; e associação do grau severo de disfagia com a supraglote como sítio primário. A disfagia e a disfonia apresentaram associação entre si quanto aos graus de severidade, porém um maior número de pacientes teve evolução melhor da disfagia comparativamente à evolução da disfonia. Não houve significância estatística nas demais associações. CONCLUSÃO: A melhora na deglutição é mais freqüente do que a melhora da disfonia. Há associação do grau moderado de disfagia com o sítio glote, cricohioidoepiglotopexia e retirada da sonda nasoenteral até um mês após a cirurgia.

To identify the grade and evolution of dysphagia and dysphonia in patients undergoing supracricoid laringectomy, and to study the association of these findings with clinical and surgical variables. METHOD: The study included 22 cases undergoing supracricoid laringectomy at the Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology Department of the Heliopolis Hospital - Brasil, and referred to speech therapy. Dysphagia and dysphonia were correlated with gender, age, stage T (T1, T2, T3, T4), primary site (supraglottis, glottis or subglottis), preservation of one or two arytenoids, reconstructive procedures (cricohyoidopexy or cricohyoidoepiglotopexy), time to withdraw the naso-enteral tube, and time to close the tracheostomy. Statistical tests included the Chi-square and/or Fischers exact test. RESULT: We observed an association between moderate grade dysphagia and the glottis as the primary site, cricohyoidoepiglotopexy as the type of reconstruction and naso-enteral tube removal within one month after the surgery. There was also an association between severe dysphagia and the supraglottis as the primary site. Dysphagia and dysphonia were associated in the degree of severity; however a larger number of patients had better progression of dysphagia compared to the progression of dysphonia. There was no statistical significance between other associations. CONCLUSION: Improvement of swallowing is more frequent than improvement of dysphagia. There is an association between moderate dysphagia and the glotttis as primary site, cricohyoidoepiglotopexy and naso-enteral tube removal within one month after surgery.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Laryngectomy/methods , Voice Disorders/etiology , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Neoplasm Staging , Severity of Illness Index , Time Factors , Tracheostomy , Voice Disorders/diagnosis
Rev. Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol ; 12(2): 151-157, 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-457760


A miotomia do cricofaríngeo é um procedimento cirúrgico que pode ser indicado para pacientes com disfagia orofaríngea que, em geral, caracterize-se por distúrbio motor limitado à fase faríngea da deglutição, incoordenação cricofaríngea ou relaxamento incompleto do Esfíncter Esofágico Superior (EES). A indicação da miotomia, porém, tem sido discutida e aplicada em muitos casos, sem efeito na melhora da dinâmica da deglutição. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os critérios de indicação e eficácia da miotomia do cricofaríngeo, com base nos estudos da fisiologia da deglutição em pacientes com disfagia orofaríngea. Realizou-se, então, uma revisão da literatura sobre este procedimento e a descrição de seus resultados na dinâmica da deglutição. Os resultados demonstraram que os melhores indicadores para uma miotomia bem sucedida são: fase oral eficiente e boa elevação laríngea durante a deglutição. Assim, para uma adequada indicação da miotomia do cricofaríngeo, não se deve avaliar apenas a fase faríngea e o funcionamento isolado do EES, mas a coordenação e relação entre as fases oral e faríngea da deglutição.

Cricopharyngeal myotomy is a surgical procedure that might be indicated to patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia that, in general, are characterized by a motor impairment limited to the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, cricopharyngeal incoordination or incomplete relaxation of the Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES). Indication of the myotomy, however, have been discussed and applied in many cases, with no effect on the improvement of deglutition dynamics. The aim of this study was to verify the criteria of indication and efficacy of cricopharingeal myotomy, based on studies of deglutition physiology in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. A literature review about this procedure and the description of its results on deglutition dynamics was carried out. Results showed that the best indicators of a well-succeeded myotomy are: efficient oral phase and good laryngeal elevation during deglutition. Therefore, an adequate indication of cricopharyngeal myotomy must consider not only the pharyngeal phase and the isolated functioning of the UES, but also the coordination and the relationship between the oral and the pharyngeal phases of deglutition.

Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Esophageal Sphincter, Upper/physiology , Pharyngeal Muscles/surgery , Pharyngeal Muscles/physiology
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 15(30): 34-37, dic. 2002. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-333218


En el tratamiento del paciente con obstrucción de las vías aéreas se deberán seguir secuencialmente una serie de pasos que son: reconocer la obstrucción, emplear maniobras incruentas y por último, establecer una vía aérea de emergencia por medios quirúrgicos

Dental Care , Airway Obstruction/diagnosis , Airway Obstruction/therapy , Emergencies/epidemiology , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Respiration , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/methods , Tracheostomy
J. pneumol ; 28(2): 61-64, mar.-abr. 2002. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-338925


Introdução: As medidas naturais para remoção das secreções traqueobrônquicas, como nebulizações, drenagem postural e fisioterapia respiratória, nem sempre são efetivas. Objetivo: Avaliar uma técnica cirúrgica alternativa, a cricotireoidotomia modificada, para aspiração das secreções traqueobrônquicas. Método: A cricotireoidotomia modificada consiste na introdução de uma sonda uretral nº 8, 10 ou 12, na membrana cricotireoidiana para estimular a tosse e aspirar secreções. Foi feito um estudo descritivo dos benefícios e complicações imediatas e tardias do uso dessa técnica em 45 pacientes com secreções traqueobrônquicas excessivas inadequadamente removidas pelos métodos habituais. Resultados: As complicações cirúrgicas imediatas foram sangramento local (10 pacientes), desvio de orofaringe (três), enfisema subcutâneo (um) e dificuldade de introdução (um). O tempo médio de permanência do cateter foi de 14 ± 16 dias. Em todos os casos o cateter provocou tosse e permitiu a aspiração das secreções com facilidade. A intercorrência mais freqüente (17 pacientes) foi a expulsão do cateter por tosse, seu manuseio inadequado nas aspirações e movimentação dos pacientes. Conclusão: Esta é uma técnica simples, com baixa morbidade, sendo uma alternativa efetiva para a aspiração de secreções traqueobrônquicas

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Bodily Secretions , Bronchi , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Suction/methods , Trachea , Catheters, Indwelling , Cohort Studies , Suction/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome
Indian J Cancer ; 2000 Jun-Sep; 37(2-3): 67-73
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-50599


Supracricoid laryngectomy with Cricohyoidopexy (CHP) is a procedure that is commonly practiced in France & Canada. Eight such procedures were carried out at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore during the period from 1991 through 1996. Four Glottic, 3 transglottic & one supraglottic cancers were subjected to this procedure. The study comprised of 7 males & 1 female. The average age was 52 years. Two procedures were done as salvage procedures for radiotherapy (RT) failures. The patients have a follow-up ranging from one year to six years, except for one who died soon after discharge from hospital secondary to myocardial infarction. Median follow up was four years. The three year acturial disease free survival was 83%. Six out of 8 (75%) were decannulated, and physiologic deglutition without aspiration was established in all patients. Hospital stay ranged from 11 to 62 days averaging 29 days. The speech was analyzed together with other partial laryngectomies and was found to be qualitatively worse than speech after other partial laryngectomy procedures. In addition speech intensity levels after CHP were lower than in other partial laryngectomy procedures. The speech however allowed normal social interaction. This procedure certainly has distinct oncological advantage in encompassing circumferential horse-shoe lesions with minimal subglottic extension which in the past would have received total laryngectomy and needs to be included in the repertoire of speech restorative surgery in laryngeal cancers.

Adult , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Disease-Free Survival , Female , Humans , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngectomy/methods , Male , Middle Aged , Treatment Outcome
An. otorrinolaringol. mex ; 43(4): 188-94, sept.-nov. 1998. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-232832


Antecedentes. De las estenosis de la vía aérea superior, las localizadas en el área subglótica son de las más dificiles de resolver. Estas lesiones han sido abordadas endoscópicamente o por vías externas, existiendo ventajas y limitaciones con todas las técnicas. Presentamos una serie de 50 pacientes manejados con resección parcial del cartílago cricoides con apastomosis tráqueo-tiroidea en el Hospital de Especialidades Centro Médico Nacional de la Ciudad de México en un periodo de 5 años. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de 42 adultos y 8 niños con estenosis subglótica. Se recabó información sobre la edad, sexo, causa de la estenosis, tiempo de duración, procedimientos diagnósticos, técnica quirúrgica y resultado del tratamiento. La edad media fue de 24 años. Hubo 36 hombres y 14 mujeres. La mayoría de los pacientes tenían historia de intubación prolongada, con un tiempo medio de 17 días. El padecimiento de base que requirió de intubación en 24 pacientes fue politraumatismo. En el momento de la evaluación, 29 portaban traqueostomía, 6 de ellos en el primer anillo traqueal con lesión cricoidea. Las lesiones y resultados fueron evaluados por endoscopía y tomografía lineal. Resultados. No hubo fallecimientos. Treinta de los 42 adultos (93 por ciento) y 7 de los 8 niños (87 por ciento) pudieron ser decanulados exitosamente. Conclusiones. La estenosis subglótica parece ocurrir predominantemente posterior a intubación prolongada. En los grados II, III y IV la resección parcial del cartílago cricoides con anastomosis traqueo-tiroidea parece ser la técnica mas exitosa

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Anastomosis, Surgical , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy , Laryngostenosis/diagnosis , Laryngostenosis/etiology , Laryngostenosis/surgery , Tomography , Tracheostomy
Scientific Medical Journal. 1996; 8 (3): 13-27
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-116289


Extended Cricopharyngeal myotomy was performed on 27 patients suffering from cricopharengeal dysphagia. Cineradiography revealed a posterior indentation at the level of cricoid cartilage. The surgical procedure included cutting the muscle fibres of the cricopharyngeus which extended proximally to the hypopharynx and distally to the upper esophagus to a total length of 4 cm, abroad flap of the muscle with a width of 1/2 cm was then excised. Results were satisfactory in 26 patients. Pathological examination of the cricopharyngeal muscle demonstrated no pathological change could be detected. So, extended cricopliaryngeal myotomy can be an effective procedure for the treatment of swallowing disorders due to cricopharyngeal achalasia

Humans , Male , Female , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Pharynx/surgery , Esophageal Achalasia/surgery